What is community radio? What are its the benefits and its
A community radio can be defined as a radio station
that is set to serve a specific community. A community radio station caters for
the information for the people living in a particular geographical location,
village, town or district. Community radio broadcast the content that is
popular and relevant to that specific audience. There are three different types
of radio; religious based, language based and educational radio station. In Namibia there up to nine community radio station namely; Channel 7 ( a multilingual
religious based radio station), UNAM FM, NUST FM, Shipi FM, Radio wave, !Ha
radio, Karas community radio, O’FM, Ohangwena community radio to mention few of
The community radio has a big social, political, economic
impact to the society. It provide the community member with news bulletins,
current affairs, sport news, culture and health related programmes. Community
radio plays a significant role to the society by providing the member of the community
by allowing them to participate in program making, management and ownership, of
the station. It also enables the community member to have access to the
information concerning them. It is relevant, cheap and fast in terms of
communication. Community radio promotes and improves problem solving by
providing information and topics of conversation through shared experiences and
hence facilitates personal contact. It allows creativity, promotes democracy
and informs the community about the latest information.
A community radio encourages community and connects
people to the community. They use the language that is easily understandable to
the people in that community. It serves a large scale and informs listeners
about their local issue. It also motivates the community in sharing ideas, its
programs are relevant to the community, allow individuals to exercise choice,
make decisions and act as responsible citizens.
On the other hand community radio always experience financial
problems(lack of funding) and most of them relay on advertisers and sponsors.
Since most of the people who work for community are volunteers, they may not
have sufficient presentation skills. There is also lack of vital skills, such
as marketing, budgeting, planning and fund-raising. With community radio competition
is very high. There is also lack of broadcasting equipment to do live
outside broadcasting.